Madelaine, la
dulce y cantora pajarina, está peleando por su vida. Sufre por el amor, está
enamorada de Philippe, y ambos se aman. Pero tienen un problema. Los padres de
Philippe no aceptan la relación. Entonces, con toda su honestidad y decisión,
Madelaine decide enfrentarse a ese Monstruo del No puedo, como las aves
egoístas deseosas de gloria personal. Decide, con su dulce voz, llamar a los
padres de Philippe. El canto es tan atractivo que ambos se acercan a la ventana
y no se dan cuenta que era ella. Cuando la ven, observan que tiene rosas en su
pecho, para que se den cuenta cuanto ama a su hijo. Los padres se conmueven y
se resignan: la dejan entrar a su nido. Madelaine y Philippe se reencuentran, y
se besan y abrazan y cantan de alegría: ganaron su batalla. Están juntos,
gracias a Dios, y a la luz de su Ángel de la Guarda. El Ángel de Madelaine.
Madelaine, the sweet and singing bird, is fighting for her life. She suffers for love, she is in love with Philippe, and they both love each other. But they have a problem. Philippe's parents don't accept the relationship. So, with all her honesty and determination, Madelaine decides to confront this Monster of I Can't, like the selfish birds eager for personal glory. She decides, with her sweet voice, to call Philippe's parents. The song is so attractive that they both go to the window and do not realize it was her. When they see her, they notice that she has roses on her chest, so that they realize how much she loves their son. The parents are moved and resigned: they let her into their nest. Madelaine and Philippe meet again, and kiss and hug and sing for joy: they won their battle. They are together, thank God, and in the light of their Guardian Angel. Madelaine's Angel.
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