Los chicos ya no son los chicos de 1970. Antes jugaban en la plaza, ahora ya ni se tocan, ni se ven, ni se sienten.
Ahora todo es Celular. Ni singular, ni plural, ni unicelular. Todos, grandes y pequeños, estamos conectados desde un gran microchip que lleva al placer instantáneo del Now, del Ahora, del Sí. Redes sociales, WhatsApp, un largo etcétera lleva a la caravana de este Arca de Noé enredado. Seria bueno que las flores volvieran a nacer y la naturaleza respire su cante de Cisne. Sin tecnología, por favor.
Kids are no longer the kids of 1970. They used to play in the square, now they don't touch, see or feel each other anymore.
Now everything is cellular. Neither singular, nor plural, nor unicellular. All of us, big and small, we are all connected from a great microchip that leads to the instantaneous pleasure of the Now, of the Now. instant pleasure of the Now, of the Now, of the Yes. Social networks, WhatsApp, a long a long etcetera leads to the caravan of this entangled Noah's Ark. It would be good that the flowers were born again and nature breathes its swan song. Without technology, please.
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